Feb 17, 2023Liked by American Prestige

I keep seeing this episode title and panicking about the special offer I'm missing out on.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by American Prestige

Nice interview guys. I really shook my head when I read that the Biden administration punked out and renewed his nomination. That Israel is beyond criticism is very frustrating and ultimately might be harmful to Jewish people.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by American Prestige

I’ve never been prouder to be a Prestige-head

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While what happened is bad definitely an example of zionist shenanigans, I am having a hard time conjuring up much sympathy for the former president of the OAS. The OAS is a CIA front group that exists to legitimate American meddling and toppling democratically elected governments South American governments that are a little too pink for Washington's tastes.

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There is no office of “President of the OAS.”

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Nice dodge. I misheard what his role there was. My bad.

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It’s not a dodge. If people are going to get mad at something on the show I prefer they get mad at a real thing rather than something they’ve concocted. I don’t really have anything to say about the rest of your comment because it’s irrelevant to the story and I don’t do guilt by association.

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