
Nice intro on Taiwan. You could easily do two episodes on Chiang Kai-shek.

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I've briefly read about how Taiwan has an indigenous Austronesian population that has been there long before European, Chinese, or Japanese settlers came to the island. Will you guys be discussing their relationship with imperial/republican China & how the KMT's retreat to & governing of Taiwan would've affected them (like any settlers, I can't imagine they had a positive impact)?

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We're really rolling the dice. I'd just say that we cushy Americans are probably more horrified about the idea of sanctions on our lifestyle than a Russian population that has been through the 1989-90's period. So long as the Russian economic system is still able to stock shelves with food and keep water and power services going, they might actually come ahead on the economic war compared to Europeans who I hear are having very significant spikes in their energy prices. Remember too that Russia still has major trading partners - China, India, Brazil - that are not participating in any sanctions (as far as I know?).

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