Nov 22, 2023Liked by American Prestige

Woah, you guys are doing...ad reads now?

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Ha, I was surprised, too. I would like to hear more about it because fund-raising is basic for growth and survival of an organization. Sales is a part of that model, but in my own organization I struggle with making those calls...very nuanced considerations are involved so I am interested in hearing more about this. I am most interested in the factors considered. For example, I knew I would go with BDS in my personal life, but what about endorsements? How to make a call about an endorsement of an organization.

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On more reflection -- while I’m still annoyed by this (I simply can’t not be, just as I can’t not be about blank check picking up insert ads at the end of their show recently), it’s infinitely better that I didn’t need to listen to ten or godhelpme 25 minutes of our dear hosts explaining why this is necessary from a business perspective. For (the lack of that) I’m very happy.

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A small correction: Bill Gates’ open letter to hobbyists was regarding Microsoft’s implementation of the BASIC programming language for the Altair computer. Not MS DOS, which was not yet around. Really enjoyed the episode!

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a computer is like a bicycle for the mind

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