Jul 20Liked by Daniel Bessner, American Prestige

Can we get some “reality triumphs over mystification” and “keep on rocking in the free world” merch?

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Jul 20Liked by American Prestige

Can Producer Jake whip up a Demystification theme

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As a simpleton, I was thinking the next one would be something like "Climate Change", but I like where everyone's head is at.

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I think we do a little classic bait and switch, a picture of blinken playing the guitar with “reality triumphs over mystification” underneath and another shirt with the AP logo that says “keep on rocking in the free world”

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Jul 19Liked by Daniel Bessner, American Prestige

Welcome back, Derek! Good to hear the New Cold war theme again too.

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Jul 20Liked by Daniel Bessner, American Prestige

Oh yea, cold war retro tension, where's Dr Strangeglove Kissinger??

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Jul 19Liked by Daniel Bessner

Welcome back Derek! Good thing it's been a slow few weeks while you were gone.

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Jul 19Liked by Daniel Bessner

Derek returns to the microphone tanned, relaxed, levitating 3 inches from the ground, glad American Prestige is back.

Not to be a nag but that whole Andrew Wakefield/Vaccination causes autism dealio really knocked down the reputation of The Lancet. However I’m not in academia I don’t “attend” “symposiums” or other such nonsense so who care and I don’t believe that gives any reason to doubt this Gaza paper.

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