This series features Alexander Aviña, associate professor of history at Arizona State University, and focuses on the Netflix show Narcos and the long history of the Mexican drug war, from the beginnings of colonization until the late-1990s. He and Danny discuss the origins of drug use in Mexico, U.S. campaigns against drug use, the development of the modern drug trade, and how Narcos addresses these and other complex topics.
Episode 1
Covers the arrival of marijuana (and the Spanish) in Mexico, colonial powers’ handling of indigenous drugs, the Mexican Revolution and militarization of the US-Mexico border, the implications of prohibition in the US, interventions by the Mexican state in the 1970s, and more.
Episode 2
Picks up in the 1980s, covering some of the major figures from Narcos and real-life, the role of journalism, CIA moves in Latin America, the culture around the Mexican drug trade, and more.