Greetings Prestigeheads,
It’s time for another All Hailbag the Mailbag, where paid subscribers take control for an episode! For those new to this: Welcome! Simply post your questions/prompts in the comments below and we will do our best to address them.
If you want a jumping-off point, I tend to organize questions into the following categories: personal/biographical, theory/ideology, current events, pop culture/media, specific countries/regions, advice.
Thanks again, we appreciate you all and love the opportunity to engage with you!
Producer Jake
Apparently there's a lot of top secret documents being leaked on the online game War Thunder thanks to arguments between players and devs over in game stats. Are there other examples of folks using classified docs in such unusual situations like this?
What are the middle powers like Canada, Australia, etc. supposed to actually *do* in response to Chinese aggression or assertiveness? Even though Sinophobia and Red Scare tactics are prevalent, there are still legitimate grievances and issues.
It seems like the middle powers, especially those who are resource exporters, have no leverage against China, but even if they try to be conciliatory or capitulate, they can be forced into conflict. For example, how Canada was placed in an awful position by the US's case against Meng Wanzhou, and the spy balloon flew over Canada and involved NORAD.